Our Mission

The mission of the Ivy Rehab Pediatric Physical Therapy is to foster the professional development of clinicians looking to specialize the area of pediatric therapy. This program will develop these clinicians in communication, evaluation, treatment planning and clinical reasoning by utilizing a comprehensive didactic curriculum based on current best evidence, best practice guidelines, and mentoring to provide advanced level care. 

Sarah Kojetin, PT, DPT

“I have been able to apply so much of what we are learning in the residency directly to my patients” – Sarah Kojetin, PT, DPT, Highland Park, IL

Patricia Gries, PT

“All of the information we have covered in the residency program has been great. I feel like I’ve learned a lot and then have been able to put it into practice right away.” – Patricia Gries, PT, Cincinnati, OH

Katherine Dingman, PT, DPT

“I have really found value in the interprofessional collaboration, connection with other PTs around the country, evidence-based information, and mentorship.” – Katherine Dingman, PT, DPT, Midlothian, VA