Our Mission

The mission of the Ivy Rehab Vestibular Program is to foster the professional development of clinicians looking to specialize the area of vestibular therapy. This program will develop these clinicians in communication, evaluation, treatment planning and clinical reasoning by utilizing a comprehensive didactic curriculum based on current best evidence, best practice guidelines, and mentoring to provide advanced level care.   

Joanna Jackson, VSP class of 2022, Certified Vestibular Therapist

“I feel like VSP has changed my practice significantly. Before being a part of the VSP, I had some experience in vestibular therapy, but the way I structured my treatments and my initial evaluations was based off what I learned in school and from a mentor in a previous practice. Since taking VSP, I have learned a better structure for my initial evaluations and learned a lot more evidence-based information that helps guide my differential diagnosis and my treatment sessions.” – Joanna Jackson, VSP class of 2022, Certified Vestibular Therapist, Shelby, NC

Rebecca Fitzgerald, VSP Class of 2022, Certified Vestibular Therapist

“I am more confident treating vestibular cases. Treatment can be bizarre and sometimes silly, and it’s a big help to have that confidence and know you’re doing the right thing. I am also better at diagnosing different causes of vestibular symptoms through a more specific history and the use of goggles.” – Rebecca Fitzgerald, VSP Class of 2022, Certified Vestibular Therapist, Cliffside Park, NJ